Saturday, August 24, 2013

Morning Glory

Morning came.
Care returns--
We make our way
We wake.
Amnestic night, into
Shadows receding,
Beading in early hours
Under light, one light
Over thought,
Unfurling flowers.
One learns
Of all life needing
A single flame.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Three Bees

Sea-green pattypan
Over a tumbled wall.
It's an old yard,
That's all.
If I have made,
Among things growing,
Any discovery,
It is not owing to
Clever recovery, ecocosm,
But to three bees
In a blossom, their
Aerial dance, selection and,
On close inspection,
Two patient ants.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Time-Traveling Petunias

Creation of tropism, choices 
And rare rejoicing voices in
Light, tolerated a
Certain term in 
Thermal eddies, violate entropy.
Virtual, anomalous, even
Petunias appear astonished
Here from points past--
Real, suddenly somehow
Like us, here and now. 

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Temporal Geometry

Bare feet
Slap packed earth
Bald in dry
August grass.
Effect is cumulative.
Or just youth up
A levy at thirty degrees
Until older, then
Twenty or ten
And grass grows again.