Friday, December 12, 2014

That Is Good

                      [Normavid raindrops on reflective puddle]

Reflection under
Raindrops includes
Sky and tree tops
Over rippling light.
There might be new
Wildflowers seeding --
Or weeds needing mud
Here in these woods
As well as trees, and
After dry years, that
Is good, very good.


  1. The video image is "meditative."
    It is good, very good indeed, these rain drops.

  2. When it isn't a cold and windy rain, I always like rainy days. Everything is so fresh and brilliant afterwards.

  3. So nice to be here again, Geo
    Loved the video and poem

    Happy Holidays and wonderful New Year to you and yours!

  4. I love rain, the very cleanliness of it when it washes all it touches.
    Season's greetings to you and yours.
