[Norma photo] Here redbud blooms Beside our door And I, not only Myself anymore, Remember back Into this thing Of light, decision, Life --it's all One spring-- March twenty-first. Its door gives onto The universe.
Era 1970. Il mondo stava per Inferno e Ho detto a lei: Won't you marry me Just this once? A volte si Vincere, non importa Quello che il mondo fa. Si tratta di un giardino, Solo un giardino.
When childish forces Played with Earth until it broke, God spoke in Aromas of dust and Crumbled stone, Left each alone to Pick a way Down rocky scrubble, Down promontory or Black cave-- Some immense trouble, Some offense. I forget what story He gave, what The problem was. One is A gardener and does What a gardener does.