Sunday, April 25, 2010

Pencil Stub

Gardenscape on
Paper: inexact
Science, scribbles.
You know, it
Won't do.
That's a faucet,
Which should be
Central --I
Love you too.
And that, is
That the
Right size?
Things need
To be how big
They are.
If cartographers
Invented clocks
Each would have
On its face.
Solar system?
No, it's where
Tomatoes go.


  1. My first reaction--probably not the best, but in other ways the truest--is that this poem expresses why I gave up my original major at Cal Poly SLO: I didn't have the exactness, patience and perseverance to do the work of the pencil stub. For that, I admire you and my "learn by doing" curriculum at Cal Poly, and thus my years as an English teacher and yours as a gardener!

  2. Thanks Will. I have a cheerful memory of walking along in Muir Woods, 1969, and you identified every tree and shrub we passed by its Latin name. That's when I learned of your horticultural studies. 40 years has got us ever deeper into the wilderness, but at least we can name the bushes.

  3. As always, thanks for the memories. Among other reflections it brings to mind, it's interesting that I who studied plants became an English teacher, and you who write so well a gardener.

  4. Oh Thank you so much for the birthday was so kind of you, Geo.

  5. My pleasure, kindred gardener.
